Yallotrade becomes Claiton

Now we put 15 years experience to enhance our AI solutions

Breathing intelligence into a dormant industry makes the world of insurance swifter, cleaner and more accurate. Some might say there are things better handled manually. We say let technology challenge that.

AI and Automation don’t just save your company time, they also improve revenues and drive digitization. Their effect can be profoundly human and a swift payout can soften a painful event. There is a sense of being protected and attended to and that is what builds loyalty.

We are here not just to disrupt an industry, but to use technology to make the experience more humanlike. We are here to take away the pain from claims.

We are looking for new talents!

Want to be part of our team? Take a look at our open positions and apply now.

Our services help you

We are here to help you increase your business and revenue with one solution. Get Started today by contacting us.